Tuesday, 29 November 2016

How to lower the cost of Canvas printing?

If you are into online canvas printing and intend to continue doing it for your love for canvas prints, it is only fair to learn how to lower the costs of doing it. It could be that many people are discouraged from doing online canvas prints because they think the prints are very costly.  

Of course there is the issue of avoiding overpriced offers. However, learning how to reduce costs of online canvas printing using diverse techniques can see you simply print more copies with the same amount of money. 
1. Cost per print and quality: If you sit down to analyze the cost per print charged by each provider, then never omit considering the issue of quality. There are other issues to consider such as the durability and resolution. Of course, some printers charge cheaply at the cost of good quality and these prints cannot last long enough. 

Inkjet canvas, for instance, will be capable of producing sharpest resolution. If you are a person intending to print for your customers, be willing to pay an extra coin to convince them that the print is made with the most advanced technology in inkjet canvas. But that extra should not be so high to siphon out the benefit. 

There is a specific report known as “Cost Per Print” which analyses different printmakers and looking at what they charge. It finds out that the cost difference among the cheapest and the most expensive is as low as a single dollar. The report goes on to show you why you should not go for the cheapest cost for poorer quality yet the difference in pricing is much smaller when compared to the difference in the quality of the two offers, meaning the quality difference is way too huge to justify or has a very big effect on the outcome.  

2. Pay attention to stretchers: For those people who are much more concerned about the issue of cost, probably the best method of reducing cost is not choosing the cheapest provider according to this report. For instance, you could look at the stretchers. Stretchers make up to 60% of your overall cost per print. Thus, you could economize the whole print by economizing the stretcher bars and the stretching process on overall. 

3. Get creative: You can also avoid outsourcing stretching to bring your skills to focus and end up lowering the cost. You can do your own stretching and make bars from pine wood and fir wood. With fir, you will save 50 percent of the costs. 

You can also avoid incurring more costs by opting not to buy pre-made bars and instead, using 12’ stretcher sticks and cutting/joining them in house. This will reduce the cost by another 50 percent. Many people buy pre-made bars when the volume of prints grows and this increases costs. 

4. Check if you can accommodate upgrades later on: As a customer, you can also pay cheaply for a good online canvas printing in UK at first and then do an upgrade to state-of-the-art canvas. For instance, you can upgrade a good canvas to 

a state-of-the-art type with just $0.36 upgrade. The cost of canvas prints depends on the quality: the cheapest is 800M, the mid-priced one is the Chromata White and the most expensive is the state-of-the-art canvas. Before deciding what you want to pay for, ask what you want and what suits yours aesthetic and functional needs as a customer. Many providers also exclude the cost for ink, coating, and stretcher bars, which you can add to customize the canvas prints. 

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